Server information.
Server location: France, Time zone UTC +1
Host: OVH (DDoS protected)
Online time: 99,99%
Server info:
Server-1 PK_x9999
Server-2 PK_x9999
Server-3 Offattack_NonPK_x2500
Version: Season 4 Epsiode 6
Exp: 99999x
Drop: 80%
Maximal stats: 32767
Points per level: 5/7/7
Maximal level: 400
Maximal master level: 200
Balanced PvP
Max IP Connection: 3
In web Game Panel / In game /reset command
Stats stay
Items stay
Spells stay
Stay on spot: YES
Grand Reset
Require: 50 Reset
In web Game Panel OR in game /greset
Stats Stay
Items Stay
Spells Stay
Reward: 5000 Gold
+200 Max HP after each Grand Reset (Maximal Bonus = +100 000 HP)
Offattack Server info:
Exp: 2500x
Master Exp: 5x
Drop items disappear after 1 second
Maximal master level: 150(to get 200 need to go to Server-1)
Reset cost: 20kk zen
Since 26.11.2021 we have created Freebies Auto-Insert. Freebies are Set + 15 + FO + DDI 7% + Weapon + Shield/Book + 2nd Level FO Wings. Each class has it's own set.
Dark Knight:
Free Stat points: 2500
Zen: 2kkk
Set: Black Dragon Set +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Sword: Knight Blade +15 +FO +SD Bypass +10
Shield: Chaos Dragon Shield +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Pet: Demon
Dark Wizard:
Free Stat points: 2500
Zen: 2kkk
Set: Grand Soul Set +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Staff: Dragon Soul Staff +15 +FO +SD Bypass +15
Shield: Legendary Shield +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Pet: Demon
Free Stat points: 2500
Zen: 2kkk
Set: Divine Set +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Bow: Celestial Bow +15 +FO +SD Bypass +10
Pet: Demon
Free Stat points: 2500
Zen: 2kkk
Set: Red Wing Set +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Staff: Red Wing Stick +15 +FO +SD Bypass +15
Book: Book of Neil +15 +FO
Pet: Demon
Magic Gladiator:
Free Stat points: 3000
Zen: 2kkk
Set: Thunder Hawk Set +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Sword: Dark Reign Blade +15 +FO +SD Bypass +10
Pet: Demon
Dark Lord:
Free Stat points: 3000
Zen: 2kkk
Set: Dark Steel Set +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Scepter: Great Lord Scepter +15 +FO +SD Bypass +10
Shield: Cross Shield +15 +FO +DDI 7%
Pet: Demon
Free DONATE Items
There are multiple ways to get DONATE items for free. We have Quest system in which you need to finish tasks like kill monsters and find items to receive reward. Another way is Achievements system - There are multiple Achievements that will reward you with Donate Items of choice. And third method is Auctions(in game) - players sell their old Donate items for Sign of Lord. Auctions are hosted by Administrator, Sign of Lord(SOL) can be looted in all maps of the game.
Quest System
Recently we have added Quest system in game. You can activate or move to next quest level with command /quest. Each next quest level will be a little more challenging then previous one. Quest rewards can be Gold, Cash or different items, like SOL, Gemstone, JOH, GM Gift Box. More information about Quest system you can find here (CLICK ME!).
King of MU event
Event for Guilds which will gain all member of winner guild with Prize, as well as most active players of event. More information about the event here (CLICK ME!)
Every 2 weeks we will have Auction for in-game currency! Auction will take place in Server-1 Devias Church. Anyone can join auction - as bidders or just watch how it is happening.
In auction you will have chance to make a bid for DONATE items. Bids will be Sign of Lord. Sign of Lord drops everywhere - you just need to spend a little time collecting them!
What about Rules? Ofcourse there are rules :)
1. Minimal bid for items is announced together with item, but not less then 50 Sign of Lord.
2. Minimal bid rise is 50 SOL, unless GM/Admin annouce different limit.
3. One player(not one account, not one character - one PLAYER) can buy maximal 2 items - we need everyone to get a chance to get Donate items for free!
4. In time of bidding I expect from you silence. We don't chit chat in auction time. We DO chitchat in time between items - while Trade is being made or before next item anouncement.
5. When we come to Devias Church - we leave our Wings in Warehouse. Wings are the ones that are mostly responsible for LAG in game.
6. If player makes a bid, but can not pay it right away - after bidding for item is finished - player is disqualified from ALL auctions! No second chances!
7. Auction will start with Seed Sphere packs - Seed Sphere packs are not counted in Total Item count that user can buy. You can buy, for example, 3 Seed Packs + 2 items. We count only items, not the seeds.
8. Sign of Lord and Donate - these things doesn't work together. Don't try offering money to Admins for SOL.
What to expect from auctions?
In Auctions players can sell their own Donate Items. If there is not enough player-sold Donate items, then Admin will add more Donate items. Goal is to cover 1 hour of auction. Sometimes it will be longer, but we try to not make it shorter. Auctions will cover all kinds of Donate items, starting form Quest Reward Q50(1.0 (1lvl) Full Fire) ending with Full Reduce parts(Christmas auction, special occasions). For Auctions you will need to have your Sign of Lord in Website - Deposit system. Website SOL storage is used for faster and easier transfers.
/addstr - Add Strength
/addagi - Add Agility
/addvit - Add Vitlaity
/addene - Add Energy
/addcmd - Add Command
/evo - Evolve to 2nd and 3rd class
/zen 2000000000 - Set own zen to 2kkk
/reset - make reset in game
/reset auto - turn on or off auto reset.
/greset - make Grand Reset in game
/post - POST in global chat
/re (On / Off / Auto) - Show/Hide/Automatical request approval.
/openware - Open warehouse anywhere IN SAFE ZONE
/attack - Start auto attack
/offattack (Server-2) - Start offattack
/readd - Reset Stats (All stat points to Free Stats)
/remaster - Reset Master Level Points (Need 400 usual level)
/quest - Start or move to next level of quest.
Character stats when mouse above character in safe zone:
Grand Reset,
3 camera,
Auto reconnect,
Auto attack,
Auto party,
Auto reset,
Grand reset in game,
Maximal 3 game clients from 1 IP,
Currency Exchange:
Here you can use Cash. Rates:
Cash ==> Gold = 1:500
Cash ==> Sign of Lord = 1:5
Chaos machine rates
Item +10, +11 = 100%
Item +12, +13 = 100%
Wings 1lvl = 90%
Wings 2lvl = 90%
Wings 3lvl = 90%
Dinorant = 100%
Pet mix rate= 100%
Feather of Condor = 90%
Configured BOSS/Event drops
Blood Castle(Any level): Drop 5 items, 20% chance of Ancient item, Seeds, Penta sphere, Jewel of Harmony and other, Increased Sign of Lord drop - Every 2 hours
Devil Square(Master Level): Increased Sign of Lord drop, added Gemstone drop - Every 4 hours
Chaos Castle(Any level): Drop 4 items, 20% chance of Ancient item, Seeds, Penta sphere, Jewel of Harmony and other Jewels - Every 2 hours
Kundun Boss: Drop 10 items, 80% chance of Ancient item, Exc items - Respawn in 5 locations every 2 hours - Stadium, Stadium 2, Kalima 7, Lorencia, Devias
Erohim: Drop 10 items, 30% chance of Ancient item, High seeds and Gemstone bundle drop rates. - Respawn every 1 hour - Land of Trials
Balgass(Crywolf event): Drop 4 items, 100% chance of random seed - Crywolf event every 12 hours
Nightmare(Kanturu event): Drop 4 items, chance of random seed, chance of bundled Gemstone (10,20) - 1 time a day
Crywolf event: Drop 3 items, high seed rate, gemstone bundle, Penta Sphere - Every 12 hours
White wizard: Drop 2 items, Pentas(high chance), Wizards Ring, Gemstone - Every 4 hours - Devias, Noria, Lorencia
Skeleton King: Drop 3 items, Penta, 10% chance of Ancient item, Gemstone - Every 4 hours - Devias, Noria, Lorencia
Custom Big Boss: Reward Cash + Gold + Spawn White Wizards. More info(CLICK ME!)
Maximal EXC Options: 6
Maximal Socket Options: 5(ONLY EMPTY SOCKET)
Maximal item level: +15
Maximal additional option: +28 (7% HP recovery)
Achievement system - Get rewards for playing!
With achievement system you can earn Gold for WebShop with almost everything you do in game and website. Also it has Ranking system and different Laurels. Here is some examples for what you get rewarded for:
+Reaching specific stats,
+Reaching first reset and resets after,
+Vote reward usage(Extra Gold Coins),
+Character zen(!!),
+Market item selling,
+Market item buying,
+Friend invite,
Best of Achievements is for Vote Reward system, where you can get Seed Spheres of Choice or even FULL OPTION FULL SOCKET Weapon of choice(Donate type weapon with same seeds in it!!!!)
Latest achievement system update has FULL DONATE SETS! (For free!)
Castle Siege
Castle Siege will be happening every Saturday 12:00 Server Time.
- Registration for Castle SiegeDay - 0 2021-03-29 00:00
- Castle Siege IdleDay - 3 2021-04-01 23:59
- Register Mark Of The LordDay - 4 2021-04-02 00:00
- Castle Siege IdleDay - 4 2021-04-02 18:00
- Castle Attack NotificationDay - 4 2021-04-02 18:01
- Get ready for Castle Siege!Day - 4 2021-04-02 19:00
- Start of Castle Siege eventDay - 5 2021-04-03 12:00
- End of Castle Siege eventDay - 5 2021-04-03 13:00
- End of Castle cycleDay - 7 2021-04-05 00:00
Be aware - in this cycle Day 0 = Monday and Day 5 = Saturday.
Owners of Castle Siege can go to Land of Trials map where Boss Erohim is located. Easy to get seeds and Ancient items.
VIP System.
Platinum(Website) - Gold(Game)
Platinum(Website) - Gold(Game)
Reset level: 200 (In game and in website)
Grand Reset reward: 9000 Gold(In game and in website)
Grand Reset 2nd reward: 2 Cash(In game and in website)
Reset reward: 15 Gold(In game and in website)
Vote reward increase by 90%
Usual exp in Server-2(2500x) changed to 9999x
Master exp in Server-1 increased by 100%
Master exp in Server-2(Non_PvP) increased by 500%
Grand Reset Bonus HP = +800 per each GR (Maximal Bonus = +100 000)
Reset cost in Offattack server(Server-2) decreased from 20kk to 10kk zen.
Vote reward
We are offering to our players to get reward for voting for our server in topsites. In order to receive reward you need to do real votes - that means you need to do the captchas (bot/human check thingy) and press on Vote button. We reward our TOP Voters each week on Sunday with extra Gold Coins, Free DONATE Items, VIP Status and even Sign of Lord for Auctions - everything to keep you motivated and well equiped.
Combo skill
In our server all (except one) classes have Combo skill. Dark Lord is only one, who doesn't have Combo skill, because his attack speed is much higher without combo. Information about skill sequence is available in Forum (CLICK ME!)
Players Online: here.
Like our Facebook page: here.
Join our Discord: here.
Join our forum: here.
Descriptions and Tutorials: here.
NoLimitBM - Owner(English, Russian, Latvian)
Gabyas - Administrator(English, Romanian)
YoannA - Head GM(English, Bulgarian)
Sigtryggr - Game Master(English, Spanish)
Jayron - Game Master(English, Filipino(5/10), Malaysian)
FRANC0 - Game Master(English, Spanish)
YOUR NAME - TEST Game Master(English, Filipino)
Skype(Donate support): deadways.force
Whatsapp(Donate support): +447510990377
Discord: NoLimitBM in our Discord group(scroll down and right side of website "Connect")
E-mail(Donate support): [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nolimitmu